Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hello and Welcome!

It's me-- your favorite cynical, whimsical, impractical 6th grade teacher!

I created this blog for teachers, would-be teachers, or those curious about the actual teaching process.

On this blog, I will post lesson plans, management strategies, scopes and sequences of teaching various things, notes on content, links to websites that have helped me out and more.

It's the technical side to the mania. :)

Oh-- and feel free to post comments or your own resources!!!


Anonymous said...

OMG Britt this is brilliant. You'd better post stuff cause I'm totally going to use it.


Anonymous said...


I am thinking about becoming a sixth grade science teach! I got the passion for it by my own sixth grade teacher when i was in six grade and she made it so fun. I have been working with children around that age of a six grader and they seem to jus tlove me!
I am a Sophomore and i am pursuing this "dream" of being a sixth grade science teacher. I was just wondering if you had any tips or advice for me?
